Sounds like a catchy song title.  Instead, it is the weather forecast for Northeast Ohio, Sunday through Wednesday.

One on-line article ends with, “Winds will be blustery all night creating dangerous wind chills between -25 & -40.”  Seems to me that they buried the lead sentence.

For all the parents who coordinate the family schedules, and commute to work daily, it can be a little frustrating to “wait and see.”

Everyone’s in the same boat.

On one hand, it would be convenient to work from home (if that’s decided) and to learn that most schools have closed, prolonging the holiday vacation for students in the surrounding area.

On the other, well, I was (gasp) looking forward to regaining a normal (as possible) routine.

Yes, I thrive on reliable routines, I admit it!  *Sigh* Though a part of me would love to see the holiday party continue on for the little ones, the sensible “worker me” … not feeling it so much.

It’s 2014, already, let’s get on with it, Mother Nature.

Now … what would I have said in 1994?

That’s a different post altogether.

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